UKAFC Archive
Links to photos from the 2017 Championship below:
Well done to the 2017 Champions – GSA FC
Final Score 2-2 against FC Khalsa Leicester
GSA FC won on penalties 7-6.

2017 UKAFC Awards Dinner Photos
Links to photos from the 2016 Championship below:
Well done to the 2016 Champions – Singh Sabha Slough!
Final score against London APSA was 6-1.

2016 UKAFC Photos
Playoffs Matches
Sporting Bengal v Halifax Hammers
UKAFC Final 2016
Links to photos from the 2015 Championship below:
Smethwick Rangers won the 2015 championship after taking the title in a thrilling final. Trailing 1-0 to Singh Sabha Hounslow, they scored three goals during the second half to win the cup.