International Women’s Day 2024
Many thanks to everyone who attended the SEMSA IWD 2024 Event. Click on the camera icon to see photos from the event…

International Women’s Day 2023
SEMSA celebrated International Woman’s Day on the 5th of March 2023.
Total number of guests exceeded 350, which included VIPs, volunteers. performers, stall holders, and attendees.
VIP guests were from a wide cross-section, including councillor Baillie Christie, Glasgow City Council, Kate McCheyne, head of communications, Sports Scotland, Councillor Mary Montague, East Renfrewshire Council and Naincy from SEMSA Cricket Club.
This year SEMSA provided a platform for youngsters to take part in performances at the event.
Councillor Baillie Christie, SNP Councillor of the Glasgow City Council and Naincy from SEMSA Cricket Club kindly spoke at the event.
From all the lovely feedback we have received, everyone thoroughly enjoyed the festivities. The event was rounded off by delicious savoury meals, kindly prepared by Central Gurdwara – Berkley Street.
Stalls at our IWD event were hosted by the British Transport Police, Army and Navy personnel. Commercial stalls at the event sold jewellery, and beautiful Asian outfits.
No wonder the event sold out in record time this year, and was a huge success!

More photos from IWD 2023 can be viewed on the camera link

IWD 2023 Flyer

IWD 2022 Photos
Huge thank you to everyone who attended this year’s event. Tickets sold out very quickly! You can see images from the event by clicking on the camera link…

IWD 2022 flyer

2021 Virtual Celebration
For the first time, SEMSA’s celebration of International Woman’s Day 2021 was a virtual Zoom event. The Ladies of SEMSA embraced the challenge of dealing with new technology, audience generation and creating content, organising speakers, speeches and entertainment. Over 70 women attended from different countries and different backgrounds. This included ladies from local communities, the Royal Navy, the Royal Airforce, and British Transport Police.
SEMSA warmly welcomed our friends-
AB Kimberly Salmond from Royal Navy
Naval Officer Anne-Marie joined us from Dubai
Janice Scott from London
Flight Lieutenant Tracy McGowan
Sergeant Sandy Neil from Airforce
Please see the SEMSA IWD webpage to view messages of support from attendees.
Councillor Jen Layden was our VIP keynote speaker
Bala Devi, who is a professional footballer from West Bengal, India, and currently playing for
Rangers Football Club with 18-month contract very kindly sent her speech praising the work done by SEMSA. She could not attend the event due to restrictions imposed by the club.
Activities included a singing competition, which was assessed by an external judge. A wide variety of dances were also streamed. There were key presentations dealing with issues such as Mental Health and Internet Safety. Feedback about the event was extremely positive, and we all hope that we can meet up again next year face-to-face and enjoy each other’s company as well as the promise of delicious treats that normally accompany our IWD events!
A huge thank you from the entire SEMSA committee to all VIP guests, speakers and participants for your involvement and kind feedback about the event. Your ongoing support and encouragement is very much appreciated.
International Women’s Day 2020

Many thanks to everyone who attended the event on 7th March 2020. Click on the camera link below to see photos from the event.

International Women’s Day 2019
The SEMSA International Women’s Day 2019 Event took place on 30th March at Hillhead Primary School. There was entertainment, special events, food and VIP guest talks. A huge thank you to the ladies on the SEMSA committee and volunteers for putting the event together.

Click on the camera link below to see photos from the event…

International Women’s Day 2018

The SEMSA International Women’s Day celebration took place on Saturday 10th March. It was a huge success, and the SEMSA committee would like to thank everyone for their help and for coming along to support and also take part in the celebration.
Click on the camera link below to see photos from the event…